1. Line Input Select - Each input module on the LiLo has two balanced XLR inputs. This switch selects the Line-A or Line-B input.  The "Dual Path" feature allows both line inputs to operate at the same time ( see #10).

2. Line-A Gain Trim - This trim control provides up to 12dB of gain for the Line-A input .

3. Line-B Gain
- This control provides up to 12dB of gain for the Line-B input.

4. Insert Select
- Each input channel on the LiLo has a set of balanced insert connectors.  When this switch is depressed, any audio device connected to the insert connectors is inserted in the channel's audio path.

5. Phase -
This switch reverses the polarity of the input signal by 180 degrees.

6. Input Level Control
- This 100mm slider adjusts the level for the input channel.

7. Pan Control
- This center detent pan control places the input signal anywhere in the stereo left/right perspective.

8. Mix Assign
- The Mix assign switch, in conjunction with the input channel Pan Control, allows an input channel to be mixed to the left/right main output.

9. Group Assigns
- The GRP 1 and GRP 2 pushbutton switches allow an input channel to be assigned and mixed to the two individual subgroups. The group assigns operate independent of the channel's pan and L-R assigns. 

10. Group Select (Dual Path) This switch can double the input power of the LiLo by establishing a "Dual Path" for each input channel.  When depressed, the source for the group assign switches is any signal connected to the Line B input.  This could be the multiple outputs of D/A converters.  Simultaneously and independently the signal connected to Line A input is mixed on the fader to the L/R mix. 

11. Pan On - This switch enables the pan control.

12. Group Pan - This center detent pan control works in conjunction with the Group Assign switches.

13. Aux Sends - Each input channel has four aux sends that can be switched pre or post the faders. 

The APC (Aux Pre Configure) switch located via a small hole in the panel between Auxes 3 and 4 will change the "Pre" send signal from "Pre-fader" to "Pre-insert". 

14. Line B Select -This function is similar to the Group Select (#10). When depressed, the source for aux sends 1 & 2 and Aux sends 3 & 4 is any signal connected to the Line B input.

15. AFP and APC Configuration Switches 
Each input channel on the LiLo has a secondary level of signal routing using two push switches that are accessible via small holes in the panel.

When enabled the AFP (Aux follow Pan) switch will allow Auxes 1 and 2 to follow the position of the mix Pan Control (#7).

The APC (Aux Pre Configure) switch changes the "Pre" send signal from pre-fader to pre-insert. 

16. Mute Switch - Depressing this button eliminates all signal flow to the channels left/right mix, group assigns, as well as the aux sends.

17. In-Place Solo Switch - Depressing this switch allows you to isolate any input channel to the monitor while maintaining stereo perspective.

18. Direct Out Switch - This switch selects the signal source for the balanced direct output. The "Post" position is post fader. The "Pre" position is user configurable to select four possible signal sources; Pre Fader, Pre Insert jack, Line-B input, or Aux 4 send.

The rear panel of the
LiLo Mixer has over 100 balanced input and output  connections. 

Each of the input channels has a balanced XLR Line In A connector,  balanced XLR and TRS connectors for Line In B, balanced TRS connectors for the Inserts, and a balanced TRS Direct Out connector.
Now see the Master Section
LiLo is an exclusive Trademark of Speck Electronics.